Academic Records Forms
Submit forms to the e-mail addresses in the right column below. (See Form Submission Instructions below)
Please click HERE to view a timeline that provides guidance regarding when and which registration form to use throughout each semester.
Form Submission Instructions
- Download the PDF to complete the form. If the fillable fields and/or digital signature fields are not visible, open the form using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download it here for free. If you are using a Mac and you have difficulty using the fillable features or digital signature, please note there are two other allowable approval methods described below.
Completed forms can be submitted via e-mail in the following format:
- Online fillable PDF
- Scanned*
- Photo*
Approvals will be accepted using one of the following methods:
- Digital signature with date stamp and user address (see instructions)
- Actual signatures
- E-mail approval sent from an Andrews University account
*FERPA protection of student education information still applies even if you are working from home.
Registration Forms
Registration Form: All Registration should be completed in Registration Central. Use this form to request registration changes which cannot be completed in Registration Central, such as audit, time conflict, overload, or major or campus restrictions.
Drop Form: All Registration, including dropping courses, should be completed in Registration Central before the registration deadline. Use this form to drop courses after the registration deadline and before the withdrawal deadline.
Registration Exception Request: This form is used to request registration changes after the registration deadline for adding courses or after the withdrawal deadline for dropping courses. The appeal must be submitted within 180 days of the end of the term. Signatures from the instructor(s) of record, advisor, dean, and Student Financial Services (if applicable) are required. Submit the completed form to
Student Exit Procedure: This form is for students withdrawing from all classes for a semester or more. Complete steps, with all required signatures.
Grades Forms
Grade Change (Faculty and Staff only): This form is used to make final grade corrections due to instructor error. Signatures from the instructor of record and dean are required. Submit the completed form to the Office of Academic Records (
Prior Learning Credit - Seminary (Faculty and Staff only): The Prior Learning Credit Form for Seminary is used to enter prior learning credit to the student record. Signatures from the faculty facilitator, advisor, and dean are required. Submit the completed form to the Office of Academic Records ( Once processed, Academic Records submits the request to Firms for financial processing.
Registration Exception Request: This form is used to request registration changes after the registration deadline for adding courses or after the withdrawal deadline for dropping courses. The appeal must be submitted within 180 days of the end of the term. Signatures from the instructor(s) of record, advisor, dean, and Student Financial Services (if applicable) are required. Submit the completed form to
Undergraduate Forms
Checklist for Graduating Students, Undergraduate: Working together with your advisor, use this checklist to track that you have completed all necessary steps to be ready to graduate. Submit this completed checklist to
Graduation Application: This application begins the processes concerned with degree conferral for students who have met all degree requirements or who will meet shortly thereafter. This form also indicates whether students plan to or do not plan to participate in Commencement Ceremonies. Please note: The responsibility for filling out this form correctly rests entirely on the student. Please read and fill it out carefully before you submit it.
Appeal to Apply Late for Graduation: If you have missed the deadline to apply for graduation but would like to submit an appeal for a late application to be accepted, you must complete this form and submit it to
Graduation Application Revision: If you need to make a revision to the information in your Graduation Application, you must complete this form and submit it to
Transient Student Request: If you would like to take a class at another university to satisfy your degree requirements, please complete the Transient Student Request form.
ePetition: Petition to waive a degree requirement, request that courses taken substitute for course requirement(s), or make some other academic request related to your degree requirements.
Graduate Forms
Checklist for Graduating Students, Graduate: Working together with your advisor, use this checklist to track that you have completed all necessary steps to be ready to graduate. Submit this completed checklist to
Advancement to Candidacy: Submit this form to the Office of Academic Records when you are halfway to completing your program.
Comprehensive Exam Completion, Master's (Faculty and Staff only): In degree programs where a comprehensive exam is required, Faculty complete this form with the comprehensive exam results. Signatures from two different individuals are required and then the form is submitted to the Office of Academic Records (see table above).
Dissertation/Thesis/Project Completion (Password Protected Form - Authorized Users only): This form is used only by those individuals approved to submit titles for dissertations, theses, and/or projects. If you need approval to access this form, please email your request to or call us at x3375. Please click here for video instructions on how to complete the form.
Graduation Application: This application begins the processes concerned with degree conferral for graduate students who have met all degree requirements or who will meet shortly thereafter. This form also indicates whether students plan to or do not plan to participate in Commencement Ceremonies. Please note: The responsibility for filling out this form correctly rests entirely on the student. Please read and fill it out carefully before you submit it.
Appeal to Apply Late for Graduation: If you have missed the deadline to apply for graduation but would like to submit an appeal for a late application to be accepted, you must complete this form and submit it to
Graduation Application Revision: If you need to make a revision to the information in your Graduation Application, you must complete this form and submit it to
ePetition: Petition to waive a degree requirement, request that courses taken substitute for course requirement(s), or make some other academic request related to your degree requirements.
Transfer Credit Request: Request credit for courses taken at another institution.
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