2020 Publications (Peer-reviewed)
Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.
- Biology
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Engineering
- English
- James White Library
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Religion & Biblical Languages
- School of Social & Behavioral Science
- School of Social Work
- College of Intensive English
- Graduate Psychology & Counseling
- Leadership
- Teaching Learning & Curriculum
- School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
- School of Nursing
- School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness
- Church History
- Christian Ministry
- Discipleship & Religious Education
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Theology & Christian Philosophy
- World Mission
College of Arts and Sciences
Gordon J. Atkins, James Yoon, Kristin Lee, Rachel Koo, Kristin Chung, John Zdor, Darley Magno, Eun Byeol Cho, Cassie Kim, Daniel Gonzalez-Sokoloske and Benjamin A. Navia. Nanoinjection of neurotransmitters into the prothoracic ganglion of female cricket Acheta domesticus changes phonotactic selectivity. Physiological Entomology 45(4), 131-139, 2020.
M. Cartmill, K. Brown, C. Atkinson C, EA Cartmill, E. Findley, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, A. Hartstone-Rose, J. Mueller 2020 Marsupial gaits and the evolution of diagonal-sequence walking in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171(2): 182-197.
Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Nicolas P. Tippery, Nelly del Carmen Jiménez-Pérez and Donald H. Les. New record of Bacopa egensis (Plantaginaceae) for the flora of Mexico. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 14(2), 395-403, 2020.
James L. Hayward. Booth, Ernest Sheldon (1915-1984). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Brown, Robert Henry (1915-2013). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Burdick, Clifford Leslie (1894-1992). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Clark, Harold Willard (1891-1986). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Coffin, Harold Glen (1929-2015). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Couperus, Molleurus (1906-1998). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Hare, Peter Edgar (1933-2006). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Kellogg, John Harvey (1852-1943). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Marsh, Frank Lewis (1899-1992). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Price, George McCready (1870-1963). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
James L. Hayward. Ritland, Richard Martin (1925-2019). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
R. Christian McDonald, Matthew J. Schott, Temitope A. Idowu, and Peter J. Lyons. Biochemical and genetic analysis of Ecm14, a conserved fungal pseudopeptidase. BMC Molecular Cell Biology 21(1), 86 (16 pages), 2020.
Ashley C. McGrath, David J. Varricchio, and James L. Hayward. Taphonomic assessment of material generated by an arboreal nesting colony of Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias). Historical Biology 32, April 13, 2020. Online
Mindy McLarty, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, AnMarie Alvarez-Aleman, J. Angulo-Valdes. 2020 Manatee habitat characterization using side-scan sonar. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 100(1): 173-179.
Sumiko K. Weir, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Gordon J. Atkins, Ashley A. Polski, WayAnne Watson, and Amanda G. Sandler. Every-other-day clutch-initiation synchrony as an adaptive response to egg cannibalism in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132(3), 575–586, 2020.
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Tracy-Lynn E. Lockwood, Tammy X. Leong, Sarah L. Bliese, Alec Helmke, Alex Richard, Getahun Merga, John Rorabeck, and Marya Lieberman. idPAD: Paper analytical device for presumptive identification of illicit drugs. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(4), 1289-1297, March 30, 2020, online.
B. L. Burkholder, P. A. Delamere, Jay R. Johnson, and C.-S. Ng. Identifying active Kelvin‐Helmholtz vortices on Saturn's magnetopause boundary. Geophysical Research Letters 47(1), e2019GL084206, 2020.
Lei Cheng, Yu Lin, J. D. Perez, Jay R. Johnson, and Xueyi Wang. Kinetic Alfvén waves from magnetotail to the ionosphere in global hybrid simulation associated with fast flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125(2), e2019JA027062, 2020.
Hyun J. Kwon, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Mabio R.C. Neto, Daniel Marsh, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, and Padma P. Tadi Uppala. Development of smartphone-based ECL sensor for dopamine detection: Practical approaches. Results in Chemistry 2, 100029 (6 pages), 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio R. C. Neto, and Hyun J. Kwon. Data-driven modeling of smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor data using artificial intelligence. Sensors 20(3), 625, 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, and Hyun J. Kwon. Electrochemiluminescence Mechanisms Investigated with Smartphone‐Based Sensor Data Modeling, Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis. ChemistryOpen 9(8), 854-863, 2020.
Jesse M. Snelling, Jay R. Johnson, Jake Willard, Yosia Nurhan, Jonathan Homan, and Simon Wing. Information Theoretical Approach to Understanding Flare Waiting Times. The Astrophysical Journal 899(2), 148, 2020.
Simon Wing, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, Jay R. Johnson, W. S. Kurth and J. D. Menietti. Periodic Narrowband Radio Wave Emissions and Inward Plasma Transport at Saturn's Magnetosphere. The Astronomical Journal 159(6), 249, 2020.
Vanessa I. Corredera. “How Dey Going to Kill Othello?”: Key & Peele and Shakespearean Universality. Journal of American Studies 54(1), 27-35, 2020.
Vanessa I. Corredera. Get Out and the Remediation of Othello's Sunken Place: Beholding White Supremacy's Coagula. Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 13(1), 19 pages, 2020.
Eun-Young Julia Kim. Logically speaking: Problems in arguments against women’s ordination. Theology and Other Disciplines 22(1), 56-83, 2020.
Eun-Young Julia Kim. When women reject women’s ordination: Reframing and semanticizing in the speeches of two female Seventh-day Adventists. Feminist Theology 29(1), 33-47, 2020.
Eun-Young Julia Kim. “King Sejong is crying”: Korean people's perceptions of growing English usage in Korea. English Today, First View, 1-6, 2020.
L. Monique Pittman. Too Soon Forgot: The Ethics of Remembering in Richard III, NOW, and House of Cards. Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 13(1), 19 pages, 2020.
James White Library
Bernard Helms and Cynthia Mae Helms. Examining the Education Dissertations at Andrews University. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 4779, 2020.
Marianne Kordas. What We’ve Managed to Transcribe Thus Far: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letter Transcription Project. Music Reference Services Quarterly 23(3-4), 153-170, 2020.
Nancy Jean Vyhmeister and Terry Dwain Robertson. Quality Research Papers for Students of Religion and Theology. 4th edition. Zondervan Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2020.
Anthony M. Bosman. Shake slice and shake concordant links. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 29(12), 2050087, 2020.
Lukasz Krzywon and Yun Myung Oh. Rectifying curves in Minkowski space R1,3. The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 15(2), 99-105, 2020.
Yun Myung Oh. The development of rectifying submanifolds. Contemporary Mathematics 756, 187-193, 2020
Joeri Van der Veken, Alfonso Carriazo, Ivko Dimitric, Yun Myung Oh, Bogdan D. Suceava and Luc Vrancken. Reflection on some research work of Bang-Yen Chen. Contemporary Mathematics 756, 1-12, 2020.
Sumiko K. Weir, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Gordon J. Atkins, Ashley A. Polski, WayAnne Watson, and Amanda G. Sandler. Every-other-day clutch-initiation synchrony as an adaptive response to egg cannibalism in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132(3), 575–586, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). Model comparison from LIGO-Virgo data on GW170817's binary components and consequences for the merger remnant. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 37, 045006, arXiv:1908.01012, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific, Virgo, ASAS-SN, and DLT40 Collaborations). Optically targeted search for gravitational waves emitted by core-collapse supernovae during the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo. Physical Review D 101, 084002, arXiv:1908.03584, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). A guide to LIGO-Virgo detector noise and extraction of transient gravitational-wave signals. Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 055002, arXiv:1908.11170, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Hamburg, et. al. (Fermi-GBM, LIGO Scientific, and Virgo Collaborations). A joint Fermi-GBM and LIGO/Virgo analysis of compact binary mergers from the First and Second Gravitational-wave Observing Runs. The Astrophysical Journal, 893, 100, arXiv:2001.00923, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ~ 3.4 M⊙. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 892, L3, arXiv:2001.01761, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific, Virgo and KAGRA Collaborations). Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA. Living Reviews in Relativity 23, 3, arXiv: 1304.0670, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). GW190412: Observation of a binary-black-hole coalescence with asymmetric masses. Physical Review D 102, 043015, arXiv:2004.08342, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Solar Mass Black Hole with a 2.6 Solar Mass Compact Object. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 896, L44, arXiv:2006.12611, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific, Virgo and Radio Astronomy Collaborations). Gravitational-wave Constraints on the Equatorial Ellipticity of Millisecond Pulsars. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 902, L21, arXiv:2007.14251, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150 M⊙. Physical Review Letters 125, 101102, arXiv:2009.01075, 2020.
Tiffany Z. Summerscales with R. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations). Properties and Astrophysical Implications of the 150 M⊙ Binary Black Hole Merger GW190521. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 900, L13, arXiv:2009.01190, 2020.
Religion & Biblical Languages
L. S. Baker, Jr. and A. Rahel Wells. Egyptian Language Practice: A Model for Hebrew Poetic Use? Pp. 49-65, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.
Ruben Muñoz-Larrondo. De la Resurrección a la Ascención. Pp. 411-446, in Roberto D. Badenas and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), Vida y Enseñanzas de Jesús. Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio. CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Rodney Palmer. The inseparable duo: The Holy Spirit and preaching. Ministry Magazine, 10-13, January 2020.
Rodney Palmer. Review of Lucas O'Neill, Preaching to be heard: Sermons that command attention (Lexham: Bellingham, WA, 2019). The Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society 20(1), 99-100, March 2020.
Rodney A. Palmer. Creating a trauma informed College campus. TEACH Journal of Christian Education 14(2), 14-18, 2020.
Davide Sciarabba and Roberto D. Badenas. Las Enseñanzas de Jesús y la Religión de Israel. Pp. 235-262, in Roberto D. Badenas and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), Vida y Enseñanzas de Jesús. Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio. CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Davide Sciarabba. La Naturaleza Humana. Pp. 149-174, in Abner F. Hernández and Víctor Figueroa (eds.), Enseñanzas bíblicas de la fe Adventista, Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio. CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
A. Rahel Wells. Reading the Eye: Optic Metaphorical Agency in Deuteronomic Law. Pp. 366-383 in Daniel I. Block, David C. Deuel, C. John Collins, and Paul J. N. Lawrence (eds.), Write That They May Read. Studies in Literacy and Textualization in the Ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Scriptures. Essays in Honour of Professor Alan R. Millard. Pickwick: Eugene, OR, 2020.
A. Rahel Wells. Esther (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 603-612, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Barbara Ames, and Richard J. Griffore. Transitioning role of parents in binge drinking in the context of alcohol abstinent religiosity among Christian college students. Journal of Research on Christian Education 29(1), 82-102, 2020.
Harvey J. Burnett, Jr., Karl G. D. Bailey and Rachelle E. Pichot. A brief report: Preliminary findings for pathways to resilience among critical incident stress management responders. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal 2(1), 46-57, 2020.
Jasmine Kim, Herbert W. Helm, Jr., Karl G. D. Bailey, and Lynn E. McCutcheon. Psychology Students’ Perspective of Classroom Trigger Warnings. North American Journal of Psychology 22(2), 243-258, 2020.
Øystein S. LaBianca. Review of Nicole Boivin and Michael D. Frachetti, eds. Globalization in prehistory: Contact, exchange, and the “People Without History” (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2018). American Journal of Archaeology 124(2), April 2020, online.
Øystein S. LaBianca, Maria Elena Ronza and Noël Harris. Community Archaeology in the Islamic World. Pp. 649-670, in Bethany J. Walker, Timothy Insoll, and Corisande Fenwick (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2020.
School of Social Work
Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Barbara Ames, and Richard J. Griffore. Transitioning role of parents in binge drinking in the context of alcohol abstinent religiosity among Christian college students. Journal of Research on Christian Education 29(1), 82-102, 2020.
Alina M. Baltazar. Living up to Adventist standards: The role religiosity plays in wellness behaviors of Adventist college students. Pp. 201-221, in Discipling, Nurturing, & Reclaiming: Nurture and Retention Summit. General Conference Nurture and Retention Committee, Review & Herald: Hagerstown, MD, 2020.
Rene D. Drumm, David A. Sedlacek, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Shannon M. Trecartin and Nancy J. Carbonell. “Life is getting better”: Understanding stabilizing factors in conservative Christian families post-coming out. Journal of GLBT Family Studies 17(2), 135-149, 2020.
College of Education & International Services
Center for Intensive English
Luda Vine. WD 40: Historical insights of Ellen White and John Dewey into three dualistic concerns: Implications for current practice. Journal of Research on Christian Education 29(2), 188-202, 2020.
Graduate Psychology & Counseling
Bruna A. Barbosa, D'Jaris Coles-White, Darah Regal, and Jimmy Kijai. Analysis of language errors in speakers who are bilingual user quiet and background noise conditions. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups 5(6), 1687-1697, 2020.
Rene D. Drumm, David A. Sedlacek, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Shannon M. Trecartin and Nancy J. Carbonell. “Life is getting better”: Understanding stabilizing factors in conservative Christian families post-coming out. Journal of GLBT Family Studies 17(2), 135-149, 2020.
Bradly K. Hinman and Christopher Lacefield. An exploration of spirituality and sexuality in men who identify as gay and were raised in a conservative Christian faith. Journal of Research on Christian Education 29(2), 156-175, 2020.
Anne Lafay, Helena Osana, Sarah Michaud, and Nadia Nosworthy. Dépistage des difficultés mathématiques: validation et normalisation franco-québécoise du Tempo Test Rekenen et du Numeracy Screener version française [Identification of mathematical difficulties: validation and French-Quebec normalization of the Tempo Test Rekenen and the Numeracy Screener French version]. Glossa 127, 32-57, 2020.
John F. Cosgrove and Jay L. Brand. (2020). Associating values clarification, expression of beliefs and dysfunction among church lay leaders. Journal of Research on Christian Education 28(3), 260-285, 2020.
Pedro Pineda, Gustavo Gregorutti, and Bernhard Streitwieser. Emerging decolonized research collaboration: The Max Planck Society and the Leibniz Association in Latin America. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(1), 59-78, 2020.
W. James Jacob, Gustavo Gregorutti, William K. Cummings, Martin J. Finkelstein, Olga Bain, and Eunyoung Kim. Perceptions of U.S. faculty members regarding the teaching-research Nexus. Higher Education Forum 17, 135-150, 2020.
Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
Larry D. Burton. Fruit Basket Upset. Journal of Research on Christian Education 29(2), 103-104, 2020.
College of Health & Human Services
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Bruna A. Barbosa, D'Jaris Coles-White, Darah Regal, and Jimmy Kijai. Analysis of language errors in speakers who are bilingual user quiet and background noise conditions. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups 5(6), 1687-1697, 2020.
Jerry L. Chi, Grace C. Chi, Nile M. Khanfar, Gabriel Gao, and Belal A. Kaifi. The impact of innovative executive servant leadership on organizational citizenship and organizational cynicism. International Journal of Business and Public Administration 17 (IJBPA) 17(1), 1-31, 2020.
Melinda Nwanganga, Jean Cadet, and Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun. Effects of pediatric emergence delirium education on analgesic administration by PACU Nurses: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 5(1), 58-63, 2020.
School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Hyun J. Kwon, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Mabio R.C. Neto, Daniel Marsh, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, and Padma P. Tadi Uppala. Development of smartphone-based ECL sensor for dopamine detection: Practical approaches. Results in Chemistry 2, 100029, 2020.
Melinda Nwanganga, Jean Cadet, and Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun. Effects of pediatric emergence delirium education on analgesic administration by PACU nurses: A pilot study. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 5(1), 58-63, 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio R. C. Neto, and Hyun J. Kwon. Data-driven modeling of smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor data using artificial intelligence. Sensors 20(3), 625, 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, and Hyun J. Kwon. Electrochemiluminescence Mechanisms Investigated with Smartphone‐Based Sensor Data Modeling, Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis. ChemistryOpen 9(8). 854-863, 2020.
College of Professions
Hyun J. Kwon, Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Mabio R.C. Neto, Daniel Marsh, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, and Padma P. Tadi Uppala. Development of smartphone-based ECL sensor for dopamine detection: Practical approaches. Results in Chemistry 2, 100029 (6 pages), 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Jonathan J. Swerdlow, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Rubens Maciel Filho, Mabio R. C. Neto, and Hyun J. Kwon. Data-driven modeling of smartphone-based electrochemiluminescence sensor data using artificial intelligence. Sensors 20(3), 625 (14 pages), 2020.
Elmer Ccopa Rivera, Rodney L. Summerscales, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, and Hyun J. Kwon. Electrochemiluminescence Mechanisms Investigated with Smartphone‐Based Sensor Data Modeling, Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis. ChemistryOpen 9(8). 854-863, 2020.
Jerry L. Chi, Grace C. Chi, Nile M. Khanfar, Gabriel Gao, and Belal A. Kaifi. The impact of innovative executive servant leadership on organizational citizenship and organizational cynicism. International Journal of Business and Public Administration 17 (IJBPA) 17(1), 1-31, 2020.
Theological Seminary
Christian Ministry
S. Joseph Kidder. Liderança de alto impacto: Cinco qualidades essenciais para o desenvolvimento de um ministério eficaz. Ministerio, Jan-Feb 2020, 10-13.
S. Joseph Kidder. Escape de Babilonia: Cómo Dios me encontró en las calles de Bagdad (Spanish Edition). Editorial ACES. 2020.
S. Joseph Kidder and Boubakar Sanou. Embracing God’s Heart for Immigrants and Refugees. Ministry: International Journal for Pastors, October 2020, 20-23.
Ricardo Norton. Testificación Personal. Series: Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio, vol 3. General Editor, Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo, CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
David K. Penno. Review of Olli-Pekka Vainio, Cosmology in Theological Perspective: Understanding Our Place in the Universe (Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, 2018). Andrews University Seminary Studies 58(1), 139-141, 2020.
Anthony WagenerSmith. Implementing a Mission Scorecard. Pp. 43-51, in Discipling, Nurturing, & Reclaiming: Nurture and Retention Summit. General Conference Nurture and Retention Committee, Review & Herald: Hagerstown, MD, 2020.
David A. Williams. Eucharist as sacrifice: A study into the development of the eucharist as a sacrifice of the believer in the first and second centuries. Andrews University Seminary Student Journal 4(1-2), Spring-Fall 2018, 1-18. (Published 2020).
David A. Williams. Unity in diversity: How music helped shape the spiritual identities of black and white Seventh-day Adventists, 1840–1944. Liturgy 35(2), 33-41, 2020.
Hyveth Williams. Experiencia Reavivada: Apelo para uma nova era de pregação e adoração. Ministerio, Jan-Feb 2020, 14-17.
Church History
Natalie Dorland and S. Joseph Kidder. How children experience grief. Ministry Magazine, 14-17, March 2020.
Anna M. Galeniece. Adventist education and its eschatological dimension in the writings of Ellen White. Journal of Adventist Education 82(1), 18-22, 2020.
Abner F. Hernandez. Arminio y Wesley sobre el Espíritu Santo y los no evangelizados. TeoBiblica 6(1), 42–53, 2020.
Abner F. Hernández. La obra de Cristo. Pp. 105-128, in Abner F. Hernández and Víctor Figueroa (eds.), Enseñanzas bíblicas de la fe Adventista, Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio. CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Abner F. Hernández. La experiencia de la salvación. Pp. 129-148 in Abner F. Hernández and Víctor Figueroa (eds.), Enseñanzas bíblicas de la fe Adventista, Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio. CHADT Ediciones, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Denis Kaiser. Graf, Julius J. (1851-1927). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020.
Denis Kaiser. Penner, Jacob Bernard (1894-1985). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020.
Denis Kaiser. Schultz, Henry (1843-1926). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020.
Denis Kaiser. Snook, Benjamin Franklin (1835–1902). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020.
Denis Kaiser. Cranmer, Gilbert W. (1814-1903). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (online), 2020.
David J. B. Trim. The need for loving and supporting local churches: Church statistics and research findings. Pp. 222-235, in Discipling, Nurturing, & Reclaiming: Nurture and Retention Summit. General Conference Nurture and Retention Committee, Review & Herald: Hagerstown, MD, 2020.
Discipleship & Religious Education
Rene D. Drumm, David A. Sedlacek, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Shannon M. Trecartin and Nancy J. Carbonell. “Life is getting better”: Understanding stabilizing factors in conservative Christian families post-coming out. Journal of GLBT Family Studies 17(2), 135-149, 2020.
David A. Sedlacek and Rene Drumm. A study of Seventh-day Adventist parents and their responses to their LGBTQ+ Child’s Coming Out. National Council on Family Relations Network 33(1), Winter 2020, 17-18.
New Testament
Félix H. Cortez. The son as the representative of the children in the letter to the Hebrews. Pp. 31–42, in David M. Moffitt and Eric F. Mason (eds.), Son, Sacrifice, and Great Shepherd: Studies on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/510. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany, 2020.
Cedric E. W. Vine. Ancestor Worship and the Gadarene Demoniacs. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(1), 55-67, 2020.
Cedric E. W. Vine. Repatriating the Canaanite Woman in the Gospel of Matthew. Andrews University Seminary Studies 58(1), 7-32, 2020.
Old Testament
Richard M. Davidson. Death and ancestors in light of the Old Testament. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(1), 1-28, 2020.
Richard M. Davidson. Tiago Arrais and Christian Vogel. Revisiting the literary structure(s) of Exodus. Pp. 173–194, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.
Richard M. Davidson. Hosea (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 1062-1078, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Richard M. Davidson. Introduction to the Pentateuch. Pp. 120-137, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Richard M. Davidson. Song of Songs (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 807-818, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Constance E. Clark Gane. Esther. Pp. 391-399, in J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays (ed.), The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary. Baker Books: Grand Rapids, MI, 2020.
Constance E. Clark Gane. Nahum (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 1117-1120, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Roy E. Gane. Review of Jacques B. Doukhan, Daniel 11 Decoded: An Exegetical, Historical, and Theological Study (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2019). Andrews University Seminary Studies 58(1), 152-155, 2020.
Roy E. Gane. Religious-Political Papacy and Islamic Power in Daniel 11. DavarLogos 19(2), 37-70, 2020.
Roy E. Gane. Numbers. Pp. 169-185, in J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays (ed.), The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary. Baker Books: Grand Rapids, MI, 2020.
Roy E. Gane. Ritual and Religious Practices. Pp. 223-239, in Samuel E. Balentine (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Ritual and Worship. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2020.
Roy E. Gane. Was Leviticus Composed by Aaronide Priests to Justify Their Cultic Monopoly? Pp. 195-212, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.
Oliver Glanz. Review of Christo H. Van der Merwe, Jacobus A. Naude and Jan H. Kroeze (eds.), Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar, 2nd ed. (T&T Clark, 2017). Andrews University Seminary Studies 57(2), 418-420, 2019. [published in 2020]
Oliver Glanz. Review of Ronald Hendel and Jan Joosten, How Old Is the Hebrew Bible? A linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018). Bulletin for Biblical Research 30(3), 433-436, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Review of André Lemaire. Levantine Epigraphy and History in the Achaemenid Period (539–332 BCE). Schweich Lectures 2013 (Oxford University Press: Oxford, England, 2015). Bulletin for Biblical Research 30(1), 114-117, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Review of Theresa Blaschke, Euphrat und Tigris im Alten Orient, Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 6 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harassowitz, 2018). Bulletin for Biblical Research 30(1), 117–119, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. "Blessed Is He Who Reads…" (Rev 1:3): Tracing intersecting life journeys. Pp. 131–133 in “He Inscribed Upon the Stone”: Celebrating the Work of Jim Eisenbraun. SBL Press: Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil and Martin G. Klingbeil. 'See That You May Understand': Artifact Literacy and the Twin-Cup Libation Vessels from Khirbet Qeiyafa. Pp. 3-26, in Daniel I. Block, David C. Deuel, C. John Collins, and Paul J. N. Lawrence (eds.), Write That They May Read. Studies in Literacy and Textualization in the Ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Scriptures. Essays in Honour of Professor Alan R. Millard. Pickwick Publications: Eugene, OT, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Ritual Theology in/and Biblical Theology. Pp. 489-504, in Samuel E. Balentine (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Ritual and Worship in the Hebrew Bible. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Ezra (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 573-589, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Genesis (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 136-195, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Introduction to the Historical Books of the Old Testament. Pp. 350-363, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nehemiah (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 590-602, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Jiří Moskala. "Your face, Lord, I will seek": Toward the theology of the face of God. Ministry: International Journal for Pastors, November 2020, 6–9.
Jiří Moskala. Regresando a la creación: reflexiones teológicas sobre principios básicos de la hermenéutica bíblica aplicada a la ordenación de la mujer [Back to creation: Theological reflections on basic principles of the biblical hermeneutics applied to women’s ordination]. Memrah 2, 107–149, 2020.
Jiří Moskala and Felipe A. Masotti. The Hittite Treaty Prologue Tradition and the Literary Structure of the Book of Deuteronomy. Pp. 73–94, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.
Jiří Moskala. Habakkuk and Paul: The Message of the Book of Habakkuk and Paul's Principal Usage of it in Romans. Pp. 367-384 in Carmelo Martines, Rafael Paredes and Carlos Steger (eds.), El Justo Por la Fe Vivirá: Una Mirada Teológica a la Epístola a los Romanos. Editorial, Universidad Adventista del Plata: Entre Rios, Argentina, 2020.
Jerome Skinner. Ezekiel (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 971-1018, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Jerome Skinner. Introduction to Prophets. Pp. 820-833, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Jiří Moskala. Habakkuk (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 1121–1126, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Jiří Moskala. Review of Jacques Doukhan, Daniel 11 Decoded: An Exegetical, Historical, and Theological Study (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2019). Andrews University Seminary Studies 58(1), 141-146, 2020.
Theology & Christian Philosophy
Jo Ann Davidson. Ruth (Introduction and Commentary). Pp. 418-426, in Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald A. Klingbeil (eds.), Andrews Bible Commentary: Old Testament. Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.
Denis Fortin. Some reflections on European Adventist contributions to the wider church. Pp. 11-24, in Stefan Höschele and Chigemezi N. Wogu (eds.), Contours of European Adventism: Issues in the History of the Denomination on the Old Continent. Institute of Adventist Studies, Friedensau Adventist University: Möckern-Friedensau, Germany, 2020.
Denis Fortin. Review of Mark Scarlata, Sabbath Rest: The Beauty of God’s Rhythm for a Digital Age (SCM Press: London, 2019). The Expository Times 131(6), 281-282, 2020.
Martin Hanna. Review of Wm. Curtis Holtzen, The God Who Trusts: A Relational Theology of Divine Faith, Hope, and Love. (IVP, 2019). In Andrews University Seminary Studies 58(1), 113-117, 2020.
John C. Peckham. Toward a Systematic Theology of the Sanctuary: Part 2. Theologika 34(1), 4-31, 2019. (published in 2020)
John C. Peckham. Cognitive Dissonance and Cosmic Conflict: A Rules-of-Engagement Framework for Thinking about Prayer, Providence, and Evil. Andrews University Seminary Studies 57(2), 353-370, 2019. [published in 2020]
John C. Peckham. Rules of Engagement: God’s Permission of Evil in Light of Selected Cases of Scripture. Bulletin for Biblical Research 30(2), 243-260, 2020.
John C. Peckham. The Influence Aim Problem of Petitionary Prayer: A Cosmic Conflict Approach. Journal of Analytic Theology 8, 412-432, 2020.
World Mission
Boubakar Sanou. Witchcraft accusations: A challenge for families, communities, and churches in Africa. Knowing Humanity Journal 4(1), 145-148, 2020.
Petr Činčala, Christian Dumitrescu, and Chung Yin Mak. Beyond the statistics: Learning from the history of mission behind the Iron Curtain. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(2), 203-223, 2020.
Petr Činčala. A missional outreach model in the Czech Republic, a post-Christian, secular culture. Great Commission Research Journal 12(1), 55–65, 2020.
S. Joseph Kidder and Boubakar Sanou. Embracing God’s Heart for Immigrants and Refugees. Ministry: International Journal for Pastors, October 2020. 20-23.
Wagner Kuhn. Teología para la Misión de los Últimos Días: Asistencia Social y Desarrollo Humano como Sabiduría Bíblica en Palabras y Obras. Revista Theologika 34(2), 80-97, 2019. [published in 2020]
Wagner Kuhn and Boubakar Sanou. A Biblical Framework for Discipling Believers Who Fear Death and Hell. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(1), 68-81, 2020.
Wagner Kuhn and Linda Smith. La Misión the la Iglesia en Palabras y Hechos: Romanos 12-15 como Reflejo de Principios Bíblico-Teologicos para Testificar y Establecer Ministerios Holísticos. Pp. 59-78 in Carmelo Martines, Rafael Paredes and Carlos Steger (eds.), El Justo Por la Fe Vivirá: Una Mirada Teológica a la Epístola a los Romanos. Editorial, Universidad Adventista del Plata: Entre Rios, Argentina, 2020.
Santosh Kumar and Petr Činčala. Faith, force, and fear: Factors that influence ancestral worship among Hindus. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(1), 156-172, 2020.
Boubakar Sanou. Witchcraft accusations: A challenge for families, communities, and churches in Africa. Knowing Humanity Journal 4(1), 145-148, 2020.
Boubakar Sanou. Exegeting the Bible and the Social Location of the Gospel Recipients: A Case for Worldview Transformation. Andrews University Seminary Studies 57(2), 371–379, 2019. [published in 2020]
Andrew Tompkins. Theological and Missiological Lessons from Telugu Betrothal and Engagement Ceremonies. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 16(2), 172-179, 2020.