Course Reserve Policy
Information for Students
Reserve books, periodicals, and photocopies in which readings have been assigned for specific courses by the class instructor are available at the north (left) end of the circulation desk which is located in the main entry of the James White Library. Instructors will designate circulation periods of one, two, three, or four hours; one or two days; or one week. Hourly materials may be checked out for overnight loan during the last hour the library is open. This reserve collection is the reponsibility of the Patron Services Department.
Audiovisual materials are placed on reserve in the Media Center. Reserves are also handled in the two branch libraries: the Architecture Resource Center and the Music Materials Center.
Reserve lists by course name and instructor name may be checked by clicking these links. Information may be retrieved by professor or course name. The Patron Services Department also keeps a looseleaf binder on the main circulation desk of this information, arranged by professor name.